Yeah. Just like it says. I dance when I'm running. No, this is not a clever metaphor for how I find joy in times of great endurance. Though that would be pretty clever, right? For some reason today I felt like sharing this bit of me that I've kept secret from the world. There may be a guy or girl out there that's been lucky enough to catch a rare glimpse of me busting a move, but that person would be hard to find. I'm very aware of my surroundings when I am running... mostly because I am girl and absolutely terrified a big scary dude is gonna jump out of bush and challenge me to a thumb war. ;) So, I only display these sick moves when I am certain no one is around. I really get into it. Why is this?? I absolutely LOVE it! Today, I started to break it down on a street corner in front of everyone!! Oh yeah, I'm starting to share now. I've started to realize... who cares??? A comedian I heard once said that as a child he saw a crazy man outside screaming obsenities and generally acting pretty frustrated. He went on to say that we all do that... in the privacy of our own homes. Further, he believes we are all just three crappy days in a row from taking it outside. Good, right? Well... maybe my dancing while running is the opposite expression. Believe me though, there are plenty of things I do inside my home that aren't making it into my running routine. For instance, I sing. I sing as loud as a person can possibly sing only while no one is home. I've fought this urge while listening to my running FM radio. I don't think the world is ready for that.
I don't know that this confession really goes very far... I am fighting the urge to share my blog address with anyone. Pretty sure I'll send the link to my sister though. She's a blogger. Okay... a digression, something I've been curious about, is it possible there is a person out there who doesn't believe in conventional literature (novels, papers, etc) and only in searching through blog postings??? I wonder...
P.S. I air guitar while running as well... so sue me.
You are funny, funny lady.
Shake your booty. If I exercised, I would dance too.
i'm having trouble imagining running and dancing. is it more of an upper body dance? or are we talking like at stop lights you boogie down whilst waiting to start running again? ;)
People should read this.
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