I literally had a conversation with myself this morning. I have a ton to do at work today (and you're probably wondering why I'm blogging then). I haven't drank my coffee yet! Sheesh! Everyones a critic!! I digress... the conversation went something like this:
Sleep: "You've got a lot to do today... snooze for another hour then go in. You'll thank me later."
Me: "You're right... you're SOO right... ARGH... but I pay for the vanpool! AND I'm driving on a spare."
Sleep: "You've got a lot to do today... snooze for another hour then go in. You'll thank me later."
Me: "You're right... you're SOO right... ARGH... but I pay for the vanpool! AND I'm driving on a spare."
...it continued in the that fashion for a good 25 minutes until I had 12 1/2 minutes to get ready.
This is not unusual. This is a continuing saga... more to come.
If you'd like to pray for me, pray that I get some rest. It's almost a nightly prayer for me now. The Gospel is so powerful and has really changed my life... I just want to show people Jesus, even if that just means spending time with people and loving the crap out of them (not literally, gross guys, c'mon, for the kids)! So long story short, I've been over-committing myself. When I do "rest" I'm usually feeling guilty that I'm not being there for someone. Anyway, I need sleep. If we're keeping score starting now, it's Jessica -1, Sleep - 0. I can guarantee you this is an unfair portrayal of the battle field as of late. Maybe I just need a sweet light saber to defeat this demon!! ...if only.
I know you are an "un-crazy, Christ-y" these days (I made sure to emphasize the un-crazy part, because we both know that the opposite exists *sigh*), and maybe this suggestion is too close to an occult-ish thing for your "Jesus is my homeboy"-lovin',booty..but hyponotism might be something to look into. I don't believe it would be covered by insurance..so if you'd like *additional sigh* I might be persuaded to record myself doing some rendition of "you're getting VEEERRRY sleepy" for you. I'll accept my payment for services rendered in.....chocolate of course! Think about it..love ya!
I will pray for you my friend.. I will pray that I get some sleep too!!! I heart you!!!!
I am definitely praying for you friend!!
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