Friday, October 19, 2007

Fortune Cookies

Haha... I wrote this sooo long ago bored one day at work. I found it the other day (saved to my documents of course) while I was looking for a file.. enjoy:

My translation of what fortune cookie fortunes really mean (because I ate 9 today and then I got bored)…

"You will receive something unexpected in the mail":
Translation: Your cell phone bill is going to be through the roof because you didn’t realize Canada charged roaming fees

"You will be approached with a proposition":
Translation: My Boss is going to ask me to do something that will have me contemplating suicide

"You will meet a new friend":
Translation: “New friend” = Another creepy guy

"You may attend a party where strange customs prevail":
Translation: You will somehow infiltrate a men’s gathering (unnoticed) and watch in horror as they proceed to burp, snarl, fart, high-five each other for being men, and eat till they fall asleep from overload.

"You will travel to an exotic location":
Translation: Nasai Teriyaki in the U-district

"You’ll be invited to dine in an adventurous place":
Translation: A co-worker is taking you to the McDonald’s play space because you are short enough.

...Haha. That's it. The things I do in my free time... ho humm.