Not for good. Don't get all upset! Sheesh. Ahhh... I am cali/disneyland/expensive L.A. dining bound for the weekend. Woot! Ask me what the weather is like down there? How's the weather you ask? Oh, well, it's a smoldering 80 compared to our native 44 right now in Seattle!!! Am I excited? You bet your weet hoo ha I am. This is what Cali was like in September when I was there for work:

This is me happy in the sun.

This is me happy in the water.

This is me happy behind the lens of a camera because I am looking at cute boys.
Oh... this is me happy in the sun again.
I know what you're thinking... this was a work trip? I know, rough life. And somehow I find reasons to complain! Goodness, we're all so ungrateful, me included. Well, you all can make fun of me when I get back from the Cali with a Mickey Mouse ears tan on my forehead!! Oh my gosh, I love Dland. I'm 25, get over it!! Child at heart over here. ;)
K... be on the look out for a post about the good time I had. In the meantime, I'll be thinking about you all!! ...wasting away in this trash weather. Haha. Kidding... but seriously.
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