Thursday, December 20, 2007

Highlights of 2007

Man! 07 has been a busy one!! An amazing year for me personally. The other, day talking to a co-worker, we began to ponder what major events happend in the year 2007... which is all well and fine; it turns out a lot of crappy things happened in the world (Virginia Tech... etc.). Then last night a pastor steered my attention towards reflecting on my own personal highlights. I started thinking about this on the drive in this morning and MAN! the list is looooong... These aren't necessarily in chronological order but #1 is the most important.

1) I've really submit my life to God.
2) God blessed me with a job at Boeing last February... he answered my prayers in a time when I was living on unemployment.
3) Christina (my bestie) got married!! Congrats!
4) Reconnected with old friends (Heather this ones you ;) )
5) God brought Stephanie (my sister) back to me! I missed my family.
6) I got to spend Mary Jane, Serena, and Ethan's birthday with them for the first time ever! *a tear*
7) I got to spend my sisters bday with her for the first time in years! and vice versa
8) Miriam came home from Japan!!! I missed her tons too!
9) I began volunteering with children at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
10) I began working with the childrens ministry at Mars Hill
11) I began working as a female youth leader with Point Break youth ministry
12) I went to Disneyland!! Twice!
13) Mateo turned 1... congrats on a beautiful baby Christina!
14) I've had some adventures in Port Angeles... who hikes at midnight when they have to work the next day??
15) My cousins Nicole and Jacob (on separate occassions) both came to visit me!
16) I've made lasting friendships; Nate, Stephanie, Josh... you know who you are!
17) I turned 25!! Even though I dreaded the day it was the best birthday I've ever had!
18) I bought a new car... hello grey Sentra!
19) God brought Nicole and I closer and we've had some amazing conversation... I am so thankful God's working on her heart. Nikki, I love you immensely and I only want to see you healthy and happy.
20) I bought a new snowboard. Woot!

Alright... Is that enough? I might revise again later. There's a lot to be thankful for this year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


As I was driving into work today I saw a hoopdie ride... a lowered truck complete with ground effects, tinted windows, and wait... A SPOILER at the end of the truck bed. WHAT??? nuff said.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Why are we super-sizing FRUIT???

Ugh. I am continually frustrated with this country and our obsession with over-indulging... particularly with food!! I draw the line when the super-sizing hits the produce section at my grocery store! I am not kidding, I am biting into a banana this morning and I literally can barely get my mouth around it! What happened along the road that caused portion sizes to inflate so much?? I was in Disneyland a few weeks ago, and as I was enjoying the small world ride my friend made a disturbing comment. They have stopped filling the boats of the ride to capacity because we are now so over-weight as a society that the small world ride boats are sinking!!! Simmer on the irony of that for a moment. Crazy.

Anyfart... this is ridiculous. It has taken me about twenty minutes to eat this banana. I'm not a huge organic person (mainly because its expensive and engineered growth steroids usually end up pollenating with organic stuff anyway), BUT I sometimes buy it if for no other reason but its smaller. It seems ludicrous to me that I can get full half way through a fuji apple!!

Oh, but the best part of everything being over-sized is going to a theater and discovering that a kids sized soda is 16oz!!! I don't have children, but I know there's no way 16oz of sugar packed fluid would make it into the grubby hands of my (someday) children!

Ugh. When are we gonna get it?? Come on America!! Lets be an example. A HEALTHY example.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Au Revoir Seattle!!!

Not for good. Don't get all upset! Sheesh. Ahhh... I am cali/disneyland/expensive L.A. dining bound for the weekend. Woot! Ask me what the weather is like down there? How's the weather you ask? Oh, well, it's a smoldering 80 compared to our native 44 right now in Seattle!!! Am I excited? You bet your weet hoo ha I am. This is what Cali was like in September when I was there for work:

This is me happy in the sun.

This is me happy in the water.

This is me happy behind the lens of a camera because I am looking at cute boys.

Oh... this is me happy in the sun again.

I know what you're thinking... this was a work trip? I know, rough life. And somehow I find reasons to complain! Goodness, we're all so ungrateful, me included. Well, you all can make fun of me when I get back from the Cali with a Mickey Mouse ears tan on my forehead!! Oh my gosh, I love Dland. I'm 25, get over it!! Child at heart over here. ;)

K... be on the look out for a post about the good time I had. In the meantime, I'll be thinking about you all!! ...wasting away in this trash weather. Haha. Kidding... but seriously.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Jessica Dickinson?

K... Most of you don't know this. In fact, I would assume none of you know this about me. I write poetry. For the most part its nothing to brag about but I do it all the same. I find very often that I don't have the words; that I experience an emotion but can't explain it. Poetry is passion and it speaks to me. It speaks to me in the way an abstract painting speaks to me, it's raw and its real. I'm sharing a poem with you that I wrote the other day. It's very ryhmy and maybe not very good, but it came to me. It's mostly inspired by my testimony... Jesus Christ has saved my life. Here it is:

Wandering in darkness, stumbling I fall,
Not seeking, not listening, I faint hear your call,
The void I feel daily and how do I fill?
With parties that poison and drugs that could kill,
In a time of deep loss on my knee's where I found,
My savior who loves me with glory abound,
In mercy and grace you led me from sin,
Put joy in my life where joy's never been,
Daily I thank you for changing my heart,
I desire to be near you never to part.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

K... I TOTALLY do this. I think you're a liar if you say you don't too. I just thought I'd share because this is silly. I totally got caught doing this at the office yesterday too! haha... dah well! Made someone smile. ;) See, being an idiot has it's merit!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Fortune Cookies

Haha... I wrote this sooo long ago bored one day at work. I found it the other day (saved to my documents of course) while I was looking for a file.. enjoy:

My translation of what fortune cookie fortunes really mean (because I ate 9 today and then I got bored)…

"You will receive something unexpected in the mail":
Translation: Your cell phone bill is going to be through the roof because you didn’t realize Canada charged roaming fees

"You will be approached with a proposition":
Translation: My Boss is going to ask me to do something that will have me contemplating suicide

"You will meet a new friend":
Translation: “New friend” = Another creepy guy

"You may attend a party where strange customs prevail":
Translation: You will somehow infiltrate a men’s gathering (unnoticed) and watch in horror as they proceed to burp, snarl, fart, high-five each other for being men, and eat till they fall asleep from overload.

"You will travel to an exotic location":
Translation: Nasai Teriyaki in the U-district

"You’ll be invited to dine in an adventurous place":
Translation: A co-worker is taking you to the McDonald’s play space because you are short enough.

...Haha. That's it. The things I do in my free time... ho humm.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wow... I love my youth kids

Wow... just like it says. Wow... I love my youth kids. So weird; I uploaded some pics from youth conference to my computer at work this morning. About 10 minutes later this woman walks over (business related question of course) and we get to chatting. I find a way to weasle talk about the kids into the convo so I can show her these pics. ;) Amazing. Just amazing, I almost teared up when I was showing her this pic. I am just so proud of all of them. Man. Seeing God's hand in their lives. Oh... ok, I am almost tearing as I type. Compose yourself Jessica!!! Get it together. They are just so wonderful. They have just touched my heart and I absolutely want to see them live for Christ and not fall away into the pressures they face everyday at school and at home. Oh my gosh. They just hit me.

I had my hesitations going to this youth group the first time. I just settled into a routine at Mars Hill and I'd never really been to an AG church before. I was nervous that I wouldn't be good enough for these kids, that I wouldn't have the words for them. I saw this girl that first night. She was so timid, so shy, and completely lacking confidence. She sings in the worship band and never holds the mic close enough to her mouth. You barely hear her voice resonate. As soon as I met this beautiful girl, I knew I couldn't stop coming. I knew I had to be there. That girl was me when I was younger. That was me. I don't want any of these girls to face the trials and temptations I've seen in my life. I don't want them to learn the hard way that only the Lord fills... that that's not just something we say, but that its real. Oh man. I pray for them everyday. And I pray that God will give me the words. I just pray.

Monday, October 8, 2007

When does waiting become being left behind?

Writing in pink because the text demands it:

My philosophy on love has always been... wait. Be Patient. Don't waste time on boys that you can't be with long-term and don't settle for less than butterflies. Fair enough, right? Well... now I feel like I am being left behind. At my best friends bridal shower yesterday all anyone could talk about was "my boyfriend this, my boyfriend that... and so and so has this many babies." I mean, I'm not trying to have a family tomorrow, but I'm turning 25 in a month. ...third consecutive birthday/holiday season being single. I'm just kind of sick of it. I'm a good gf. Why is dating so hard? It seems to be so easy for everyone else.

...I dunno... I'm so sick of cool Christian guys not asking me out!! I give up. I don't know anymore. I just feel like everyone is moving on and I'm getting left behind in the single pool by myself. Gosh... I feel like that pathetic desperate 30 something. Ugh. I hate this.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Seasons Change...

Summer is gone, it totally is. It's been rainy and windy the last couple of days and I LOVE it. Makes me want to cuddle up with a book and a hot cocoa. Can't wait for Christmas!! Peppermint mocha look out, I am gonna drink ya!! haha...

This is my joyful entry. I had such a great evening last night. My good friend did a huge favor for me and my family. I am so grateful for my true friends, because of this person I was able to attend my much missed community group. I was really filled with God's love last night and able to soak in Christian fellowship. Ahh. Deep breath. It was good.

I digress... I opened my window last night and listened to the rain as I fell asleep. Love it. It's so soothing. Something about the sound of water (the ocean, rain, rivers) that just gives you peace. Anyway, seasons change... I feel a season changing in my life. Not sure what that means exactly, but something is on the horizon for me.

Whoever reads this, I love all of you. ;) Muah.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Giving Time...

I face the challenge of being a project leader at work for our Community Service efforts. This project I took on voluntarily, in fact was REALLY excited about it. It's sad that while these events have shown me how much love there is for our community it's also shown me the inherent selfishness of most people. I am always thankful for the volunteers that do commit, whatever their motive, but the fraction of people that respond to these efforts is small. Even if you don't feel convicted by Christ's call for us to love our neighbors, how can you not be so thankful for the blessings in your life?? If you live in this country, in the Seattle area more specifically, why don't you have a heavy heart for those less fortunate?? It weighs on me. I have to remember not to get so emotionally involved.

I'm still so grateful that God gave me a heart that loves.

"Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one that wants to borrow from you."

~Matthew 5:42

Friday, September 21, 2007

My hopeless heart...

I wanna fall in love... Maybe I ask too much. I want...

...BUTTERFLIES! To be nervous or excited when he calls or I get to spend time with him.

...Someone who gets me. Who loves all the stupid little quirks that make me who I am and make him laugh.

...Someone who can make me smile even when I really don't want to. Who ends an argument by making me laugh.

...a boy that will just hold me when I need to cry.

...who knows that when I give my heart its completely. He'll treat it like precious treasure and do his best not to hurt it.

...someone who challenges my thought.

...who despite all my best efforts I can't help but fall.

...the guy I didn't expect.

...someone who will hold my hand and walk me down the beach. Who doesn't need to say anything because being with him is enough.

...who makes every moment a memory.

...who makes me thank God everyday for blessing my life with so much joy.

That's my wants. Where he is or if I already know him I don't know. It's just on my mind this morning. ...maybe it's because the holidays are near. It always make the season sweeter to share it with a somebody.

Maybe I'm turning 25 in two months and didn't expect my life to be where it is at this age.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I know what you're thinking... "I love surprises!!" And why wouldn't you? Normally they are awesome. ...of course I wouldn't know from experience but that's what I've heard.

Last night my friend Nick calls me up and invites me to a movie. I love Nicodemus of Kennewick like its going out of style. The craziest kid you'll ever meet with a heart of gold. (Apparently almost got married last weekend, but that's a story for another time). I ask which flick, and he replies "it's a surprise." YES!!! I LOVE surprises. AND it's a movie that hasn't been released yet. Apparently Nick knows a dude who does promotions... So I'm excited. I can't think of which awesome movie it's going to be because Harry Potter came out months ago. ;)

All these ideas are whirling around my brain... I'm thinking animated feature, comedy, something sci-fi... Yes, here it comes...

The first five minutes of this film, which decieves at first when you see Clive Owen's gorgeous face, is pure blood shed!! 30 guys are probably shot in the head or otherwise brutally killed; there is even a pregnant woman in the cross-fire, who delivers during this shoot-out and Clive Owen cuts the ambilical (spelling???) cord with a bullet. I was HORRIFIED. I wanted to cry. I couldn't believe Nick thought I would like this movie or even support it's production. Sad thing... people thought this was entertaining and were laughing!!!

It was a frustrating night because I wanted to leave the whole time, in fact I covered my face with the bill of my hat for the most part. Nick knows where my heart is. So MANY of my friends know where my heart is. Few of them respect it or try to understand. I spent 90 minutes in a theater thinking about how much better my life is knowing God, but how much more challenging it is as well. It's a joy to know my life has a plan, but my path is sometimes so unclear to me particularly when I am surrounded by non-believers... my Christian friends are all settled down and for the most part not-available. So I find myself in situations like I did with Nick. There was NOTHING redeeming about this movie. It might as well have been a porn...

I wanted to cry, but I prayed.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I flewed!!!!!!

Look at me Mom!! I'm flying!!!

Gorgeous!! That's all I had to say. Breathtaking.

Monday, August 27, 2007

People want to date me???

I know what you are thinking. I am as confused as you are. People want to date this girl??? They obviously don't know me. Instead of explaining my ridiculous personality let me pose a photo narrative.

As cousin it... why? just because.

Ruining a picture. Why? just because.

(seeing a theme?)

Ooops. How did Brad get in there???

Oh, but I guess I do play the harp. That's kind of cool. ;)

So basically... the moral of this story is people having started setting me up on blind dates. AHHH!!! I know. It's terrifying. Let me say this again. It's TERRIFYING. I always feel like there's a crap-load of expectations during a date. So, I guess the word is out. I am single and apparently open for dates. We'll see how this goes. Be alert for upcoming posting likely to be titled "Dating Nightmares Hall of Shame" ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Welcome to S.O.A. (Sleep Oholics Anonymous)

Hi. My name is Jessica. I am a sleep oholic. And so is Homer.

Okay, but seriously kids. I can't do this getting up at 5 crud. I am not an early bird. Interestingly enough, I used to think I was, until someone told me I wasn't, causing me to re-evaluate my thinking. As it turns out, this person was right. Oh, and to top if off friends, I didn't brew any coffee this morning. Why you ask? Oh. Well. I ran out of my sugar-free vanilla creamer that makes my coffee a sweet treat in the morning. I don't do black coffee. Sorry Grandma, I know I disappoint you. SOOOO... I am at my desk waiting for my 8am meeting to roll around so my caffeine addiction can be satisfied. Thank you Boeing for giving me a meeting with coffee and pastries!!!

Funny story... Looking at all these "sleeping" pics to put on my blog has actually made me more tired. If more tired exists for me right now.

Goodness... Well. I am really rethinking the vanpool. Yes, it saves money. Yes, it saves the environment. Yes, it makes it certain I'll be to work on time. Yes, it saves miles on the newly rear-ended Sentra. HOWEVER, I'd like an extra hour to sleep in and quite frankly, being the sleep-oholic that I am, that outweighs the pro's to the vanpool.

Okay, now I am just rambling to avoid focusing on work. Argh. I can't even function like a normal person today! I already paid a bill with the wrong debit card because I wasn't paying attention... So... Let's look at some financial data! Yipeee!!

...One more pic for the "awe...." crowd.

So cute. ;)

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Be thankful for everyday you are healthy. Thank God that you do not suffer. Have a heavy heart for those who fight this battle. Do not take for granted any moment that you have to show the ones you care about how much you truly love them.

If you want to know who cancer takes, look in the mirror, it does not discriminate.

**I support cancer research and treatment efforts in loving memory of my grandfather and to offer a caring heart to those who are in need of it now.**

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Do I have "Hit Me" written on my forehead???

So... I will say it could've been much worse, BUT no one likes to end their Saturday with a car accident. Anytime something like this happens it stresses me out to no end. Mostly because it's a hassle, but also because I fall into the "why me?" syndrome. I am so blessed in my life with all of my friends and family that love and care for me. When an accident happens, or anything that throws my life out of its routine, I wonder what the purpose is. Maybe things like this happen to remind us how unimportant 'things' are. At the end of the day all you need is love (I'm sorry, was it wrong to drop a Beatles line?)... All I really wanted yesterday was a hug and a back rub. I'm always alone when accidents happen and I don't fare well. I behave like an irrational female and I cry. I never know what to do or who to call. So I'm thankful for everyone who supports me so constantly in my life and for God protecting me from what could've been MUCH worse.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I brown bag it...

I brown bag it... yeah. I hate to admit this, but I am totally a creature of routine. I am "scheduled" if not on paper, in my head pretty much every hour of my day. If I don't have plans to visit with someone after work I could tell you exactly what I should/will be doing every hour from 5pm till bed. Typically it would be some mix of running, eating, reading, cleaning, and because I haven't felt like I've done enough yet something else like chatting on the phone or another unnecessary task to postpone sleep.

To my point, I make my lunch every night before I go to sleep. Besides my need for routine there is actually sound logic behind this. I get up at 5am. I don't know how many of you get up this early, but its a struggle. I resemble something unlike myself and more on par with Chubaka at this hour... and my level of comprehension... LOW. I am moving at snail speed at 5am. So, I do as much as I can to prepare the night before so I can snooze one more time every morning. Throw your hand in the air if you feel me on this one... ;)

Okay... this is the part of the story where ridiculous kicks in (welcome to my life). I don't always eat all of my lunch. Sometimes because I forget, but a lot of times because the yoplait I continue to buy every week just doesn't sound good. Our refrigerator at work is finite, alright. This thing gets FULL. What comprises a good sixteenth of this ancient appliance? My brown bags. The brown bags that combined probably contain 6 yoplaits and a handful of snap peas that are on their way to the compost pile. Every once in awhile I clean these out... HOWEVER, it's all about timing. I don't want ANYONE in my building to know I am the owner of the brown bags. Most of the time I just try to condense... I think its gone beyond condensing this morning.

Wow... that was a big confession. I am so weird. It's amazing people like me.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Battle Alarm Clocktica ...the saga continues

So... It's necessary I share my alarm clock experience that I had this morning. I am not kidding when I say this, I got ready in 12 1/2 minutes this morning! That's pretty unreal friends. Feel bad for the guy that sits next to me today. Yeah I didn't shower, but its cool, unlike other people my body repels dirt. (I hope the sarcasm translates, really I'm not that crazy).

So battle alarm clocktica started mid-dream this morning. It was a good dream... well, maybe it wasn't "good" in the sense that some gorgeous Brad Pitt-type came and swept me off my feet, BUT like an episode of Lost I wasn't quite ready for the cliff hanger.

I literally had a conversation with myself this morning. I have a ton to do at work today (and you're probably wondering why I'm blogging then). I haven't drank my coffee yet! Sheesh! Everyones a critic!! I digress... the conversation went something like this:

Sleep: "You've got a lot to do today... snooze for another hour then go in. You'll thank me later."

Me: "You're right... you're SOO right... ARGH... but I pay for the vanpool! AND I'm driving on a spare."

Sleep: "You've got a lot to do today... snooze for another hour then go in. You'll thank me later."

Me: "You're right... you're SOO right... ARGH... but I pay for the vanpool! AND I'm driving on a spare." continued in the that fashion for a good 25 minutes until I had 12 1/2 minutes to get ready.

This is not unusual. This is a continuing saga... more to come.

If you'd like to pray for me, pray that I get some rest. It's almost a nightly prayer for me now. The Gospel is so powerful and has really changed my life... I just want to show people Jesus, even if that just means spending time with people and loving the crap out of them (not literally, gross guys, c'mon, for the kids)! So long story short, I've been over-committing myself. When I do "rest" I'm usually feeling guilty that I'm not being there for someone. Anyway, I need sleep. If we're keeping score starting now, it's Jessica -1, Sleep - 0. I can guarantee you this is an unfair portrayal of the battle field as of late. Maybe I just need a sweet light saber to defeat this demon!! ...if only.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Random Thoughts by Jessica Davis

I haven't made an entry in awhile and I've been composing some random thoughts in my head today. I thought I might take this opportunity to share. To add to the randomness of this entry/my life, I have chosen pink colored text as an expression of my girliness. Enjoy:

1. DO NOT PAINT YOUR TOENAILS IN DIM LIGHT. If you are asking yourself why I feel the need to share this, then you aren't as smart as I thought you were. Just be thankful for my sake that people don't get up close and personl with my feet!

2. My Mom read my blog? Oh no Cathy... she cried!! Please, PLEASE, if you are an emotional person grab a box of kleenex before continuing because I now have the reputation of causing overwhelming emotion resulting in tears through my blog entries. Thanks Mom. ;)

3. Why am I so happy today? Good question, I'm glad you asked. A few reasons. One, I got sleep last night (finally). Two, it's a beautiful day in the Northwest, yay!! BUT MOSTLY, I am drinking a Henry Weinhard Vanilla Cream soda at work on my lunch. What could be more satisfying??

...and I think that's good for now. Instead of bullet-pointing a #4 I have included a random pic of moi! Very nice if you ask me.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Confession... I dance when I'm running

Yeah. Just like it says. I dance when I'm running. No, this is not a clever metaphor for how I find joy in times of great endurance. Though that would be pretty clever, right? For some reason today I felt like sharing this bit of me that I've kept secret from the world. There may be a guy or girl out there that's been lucky enough to catch a rare glimpse of me busting a move, but that person would be hard to find. I'm very aware of my surroundings when I am running... mostly because I am girl and absolutely terrified a big scary dude is gonna jump out of bush and challenge me to a thumb war. ;) So, I only display these sick moves when I am certain no one is around. I really get into it. Why is this?? I absolutely LOVE it! Today, I started to break it down on a street corner in front of everyone!! Oh yeah, I'm starting to share now. I've started to realize... who cares??? A comedian I heard once said that as a child he saw a crazy man outside screaming obsenities and generally acting pretty frustrated. He went on to say that we all do that... in the privacy of our own homes. Further, he believes we are all just three crappy days in a row from taking it outside. Good, right? Well... maybe my dancing while running is the opposite expression. Believe me though, there are plenty of things I do inside my home that aren't making it into my running routine. For instance, I sing. I sing as loud as a person can possibly sing only while no one is home. I've fought this urge while listening to my running FM radio. I don't think the world is ready for that.

I don't know that this confession really goes very far... I am fighting the urge to share my blog address with anyone. Pretty sure I'll send the link to my sister though. She's a blogger. Okay... a digression, something I've been curious about, is it possible there is a person out there who doesn't believe in conventional literature (novels, papers, etc) and only in searching through blog postings??? I wonder...

P.S. I air guitar while running as well... so sue me.